To: The Utah State Senate

Hold homeschooling parents accountable!

Help hold homeschooling parents accountable by requiring them to use state-approved curriculum, provide test scores, and/or professional evaluations by state officials.

Why is this important?

The state of UT currently has no regulations regarding students who are homeschooled. The purpose of this petition is to bring awareness to this issue and to start requiring parents who homeschool to provide test scores, and/or professional evaluations, plus a state-approved curriculum. There are several states who uphold this caliber of responsibility; these states include Vermont, New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and North Dakota. I have been personally affected by this issue in regards to my own step children who are currently being homeschooled by their mother. It is obvious these kids are very behind in their studies and unfortunately their father has no legal bearing to make sure they are receiving a proper education. Essentially his hands are tied. Please sign this petition in an effort to make sure Utah's homeschooled kids are being prepared for college and are receiving the same opportunities to learn as those in public and private schools.
