To: Jeff Zucker, President, CNN Worldwide and The United States House of Representatives

Hold the Media Responsible for Trump's Election!

CNN, CBS, FOX News, ABC and other news media outlets have followed Trump around like dogs in heat since the beginning of his candidacy. The media is in great part guilty of breaking this country and it's time they fix it. ASAP assign investigative journalists to do their job for America. Insist on access to Trump's tax returns, investigate his business ties to Russia and Russian election hacking. Insist that Trump's associations with organized crime, Wall Street cronyism and his chronic lies prohibit his eligibility to enter the Oval Office. ASAP! Contact:

1. CNN HQ (Atlanta) 404-827-1500, option #1. CNN corporate office phone 404-827-1700 Customer service number for CNN's Washington D.C. bureau is 202-898-7900.
2. NBC 212-413-6142 or e-mail [email protected]
3. CNBC 201-585- 2622 201-583-5453
4. Fox News 212-301-3000 212-301-4229
5. MSNBC 212-664-4444 212-664-4426
6. CBS 1 (212) 975-3247
7. ABC news ABC World News Tonight Phone Number 212-456-4040
212-456-2795 [email protected]
Click on this link for more!

Why is this important?

America has been damaged by the Trump election and the media is in many ways part of the reason. They have hyped and followed him like dogs in heat with a benign attitude that influened the 2016 election. They broke it, they buy it. Time is of the essence to unearth details and actions that Trump has done to disqualify him from the presidency.
