To: Mary N. Dillon, President and C.E.O. of US Cellular

Hold USCC Accountable For Company Direction

Mary N. Dillon, we the customers of US Cellular are joining together to inform you of our collective dissatisfaction with device availability and customer rep service. It is time for USCC to offer "flagship" quality Android devices, push for better CDMA development from Windows Phone(they are listening), and less confrontations between customer reps and customers. Please don't make people abandon USCC because of issues that can be addressed and rectified. Please realize the true severity of the issues at hand, as more long time customers are truly looking to alternatives other than USCC.

Why is this important?

This petition serves Windows Phone, Android, and Blackberry owners alike. This petition serves to allow you, the customer to voice your discontent with USCC's stagnation in moving forward in the Smartphone ecosystem. The ultimate power lies within the purchaser. Please exercise your your right to flex your purchasing muscle by signing this petition! I will send this petition directly to Mary N. Dillon, President and C.E.O. of USCC, to let her know of the level of dissatisfaction amongst customers with device selection and customer service, which has taken a turn for the worse. As the 6th largest Mobile Carrier in the US, it is time for USCC to stop acting as though they have no influence in the shaping of the ecosystem and are unable to finance better devices. As the 6th largest Mobile Carrier, the recent downfall in customer services with constant reports of customer and rep confrontation must be addressed as well, starting at the top. Please help to get better devices and services from USCC, help to hold them accountable. Sign and let others know as well. I am looking to generate at least 2000 votes, as I believe this is starting point to get her attention. The more signatures we can generate, the more effective this petition will be.