To: The Wisconsin State House, Rep. Bryan Steil (WI-1), Sen. Ron Johnson (WI-1), and Sen. Tammy Baldwin (WI-2)

Hold Walter Palmer accountable for killing Cecil the Lion

Extradite or hold Walter Palmer accountable for killing Cecil. He used lights, baited and lured him out of his protected habitat, used a bow and arrow and tried to destroy the tracking collar. If he is not held accountable in a SIGNIFICANT manner, the message sent to all poachers, trophy hunters AND the WORLD will be that MONEY overcomes ethcis and crime. All of his hunting licenses and passports need to be revoked forever. He has lied about poaching in the past in our own state and has been convicted. He also has a conviction for sexual abuse. He should not be allowed to continue his blood lust. Are you aware the "hunting clubs' ENCOURAGE numerous kills of the largest exotic animals for prizes? His guide knew Palmer wanted a large lion and Cecil was targeted. They all knew exactly what they were doing.

Another point is that the alleged benefits of trophy hunting are a farse. The only people winning are the hunters, guides and corrupt officials. If this alleged killing helps conservation speak were true, the populations would be growing rather than becoming extinct. This barabrism must be stopped before it is too late.

Thank you

Why is this important?

Trophy hunting is a barabric activity that is depleting many species and must be stopped. Walter Palmer cannot be allowed to get away with his continued poaching activities.