To: Anna Galland, Executive Director civic action, Ilya Sheyman, Executive Director political action, George Soros, Peter B. Lewis, Linda Pritzker, Joan Blades, and Wes Boyd

Hold Washington and Wall Street Accountable Under the Rule of Law: Justice for the American People.

Washington and Wall Street have violated fundamental legal principles relating to money, credit, trust and confidence in banking that are 4,000 years old. Washington and Wall Street have breached the legal duties and standards of care governing money and banking that are nearly 2,000 years old. These violations caused the financial crisis.
These same legal principles, duties, standards of care and laws exist today and may be enforced by the United States Department of Justice. These legal principles, duties and standards of care are so important, they are firmly enshrined in ancient Anglo-American common law, the United States Constitution and in United States federal statutory civil and criminal law. The Department of Justice has failed and refused to enforce the American rule of law.
These legal principles, duties and standards of care are so important that they may be enforced by the private legal action of the American people.
These legal principles, duties and standards of care are so important that federal law provides for the recovery of treble damages by the American people.
According to the government, Americans’ financial damages exceed $10 trillion. Globally, peoples’ financial damages exceed $40 trillion. Human suffering is inestimable and untold.
One individual, acting alone, cannot bear the burden of the American public’s obligation to protect the people through legal enforcement of these fundamental principles and laws.
MoveOn can, and I petition MoveOn, including its officers, principals and financial supporters, to mobilize the American public and assemble a war chest, dedicate its staff, organization and membership sufficient to take on the entrenched interests in Washington and Wall Street.
MoveOn can, and I petition MoveOn to add its efforts and resources to well-informed and dedicated professional leadership to enable the American people to take action under the American rule of law to recover their damages; penalize wrongdoing by Washington and Wall Street; provide incentives to changed conduct; and deter further wrongdoing and damage to the American public by Washington and Wall Street.
By granting and acting on this petition, MoveOn can exponentially increase its grass roots public, social media and organizational power and influence; harness the energy and talent of its activist base; and allow the group to break free of Washington dogma.
MoveOn can and must demonstrate its commitment to not only effect change, it can actually contribute to the accountability and justice for the American people, the imposition of which is a condition to meaningful change in Washington and on Wall Street.

MoveOn can and must contribute directly to the re-establishment of America’s fundamental values and help repair the shredded American social and economic fabric and has been wrenched asunder by Washington and Wall Street through the financial crisis.

Why is this important?

I have personally experienced every banking and financial crisis since the Nixon shock in 1971. I have studied, lectured and written about financial crises for more than 25 years. I have published two books on financial crises including my doctoral thesis at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary College University of London.

I have prepared a short White Paper outlining the foundation for this petition.

I have also prepared a longer White Paper detailing the historical, economic and legal foundation for a class action case that can be filed against Washington and Wall Street on behalf of the American public. Both White Papers and my Summary Curriculum Vitae are available for your consideration in due course. My profile is on LinkedIn.

I haves deep profound personal interest in advancing the proposed legal case and achieving some measure of accountability and justice for the American people.

The issues raised and to be resolved by the proposed case are the most important issues facing the American public. Unless and until the proposed legal case is made, the power of vested interests in money and banking will continue to erode the social fabric and economic foundation for America’s government and the reality of the American Dream, if any remnant of that reality, in fact, remains.

All of my individual efforts to advance this effort have been met with the frustrating combination of initial enthusiasm followed by fear of intimidation and retribution by government and the Wall Street banks.

Occupy Wall Street failed to meet its potential due to lack of:
1. A sound intellectual foundation;
2. A clearly articulated objective;
3 a well-articulated plan to meet that objective;
4. The organizational structure and strength to focus and discipline human and financial resources to achieve its objective; and
5. Due to the complete absence of well-informed, profession leadership.

I can provide the first three of the missing ingredients. I have petitioned MoveOn to provide the last two missing ingredients necessary to the successful prosecution of this direct, well defined effort to achieve accountability and justice for the more than $10 trillion on economic damages and untold personal suffering inflicted by Washington and Wall Street on the American people.

American Legal Action is the Only Viable Option to Shift Perceptions of Personal Vested Interests and Effect Meaningful Change Short of Revolutionary Action outside the Existing Rule of Law.

Efforts in the public interest in the years following the financial crisis to impose accountability on those responsible for the financial and human devastation wrought by the crisis have largely been expressions of public frustration and anger that do not intelligently or strategically advance the process. Washington and Wall Street have the power and resources to divide, minimize, marginalize and co-opt private, public as well as legislative and regulatory action to impose accountability on those responsible for the crisis. So far, Washington and Wall Street have successfully wielded their power and resources. There has been a lot of talk by frustrated Americans demanding accountability without really understanding what it means or how to get it. Simply complaining and petitioning the government demanding results has gone nowhere. Politics, political and social activism and moral suasion have proved to be empty threats.

A look at the effective options available to impose accountability on Washington and Wall Street under the rule of law clearly reveals that the American public must directly confront the most powerful individuals and institutions in the country.
That means economic claims against and recovery of damages, in compensation and as punishment, from Wall Street, and indirectly, Washington, for their specific legal wrongdoing, and for deterrence of their ongoing and likely future wrongdoing.
Legal action designed to hold Washington and Wall Street accountable under the rule of law can only succeed within a context of public grass roots support. That means public education through a sophisticated, experienced public relations, public media, social media and grass roots organizational operation to form, fund a “war chest” commensurate with the resources available to the defendants and manage a powerful, large-scale public campaign to focus attention on the American public’s demand for legal accountability.
The overall campaign must place the legal action in the context of a widespread apolitical public demand for Americans’ civil right to honest money, banking and a real economy for the American public who have been damaged by the financial crisis.