To: President Donald Trump, The Delaware State House, The Delaware State Senate, Governor John Carney, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Holding Parents Responsible

I would like to recommend a petition that would hold bullies parents responsible, if their child is involved in a bullying incident with a child in a school setting. The purpose of this petition is to hold parents responsible for raising their children, modeling good moral skills, and being accoutable for the actions of minor children. We are parents, need to raise our children to respect everyone. I believe that bullies parents should be forced to attend couselling with his/her child and pay stiff fines, when a child is responsible for bullying another child.
If a child has been accused of bullies, the parents and the child should have to do community work at a local community agency.

Why is this important?

Due to so many kids have taken their lives because of bullies. It appears that is a break down in parental involvement and up-bringing of young people. Parents need to be held responsible for his/her child actions.
