To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Homeland Security as Responsible Agency for Reporting of Internal Terrorists
Homeland Security is the responsibility of everyone, but the Reporting, Intervention, Investigation, Institutionalization, and/or Incarceration is the responsibility of a department responsible for Terrorism and Terrorists' threat and/or suspicious behavior. Homeland Security needs to formulate this procedure, processes, and a media program to mandate/obligate citizens, especially parents to anonymously report the mentally ill or the developmentally disabled, the sociopathic and the psychopathic and especially the evil suspects who pose a threat to even one life. There are laws for first responders and required reporting of known threats. There are not laws for parents, friends, and other non-professionals to assure reporting of suspects or suspicious behavior before the Psychotic Break or the Tragedy.
Why is this important?
I would like Homeland Security to assure that internal terrorists are reported anonymously, investigated, institutionalized or incarcerated as applicable for their sociopathy or psychopathology, or evil natures. The mentally ill or developmentally disabled who have not received the benefit of treatment interventions and families who make their cases known are more likely to suffer pscyhotic breaks. It is my opinion and that of my friends and colleagues that there needs to be mandatory and obligatory, anonyomous reporting and processes required to assure the safety of our citizens, especially our innocent children. Newtown was the most recent example of internal terrorism (massacre by guns) but others have occurred without anyone forewarning authorities of the mental illness or evil nature of the suspect/perpetrator. This type of closed society allows the rights of one to preempt the rights of all of our citizens by assuming the family will get treatment and the psychologist or psychotherapist or the school will report. Our current status of external terrorist suspect reporting is defined well and executed presumably well at the Homeland Security site on the internet or by telephone. Anonymous reporting is available. Homeland Security never responded to my report that there are suspects out there, and their psychotic breaks are imminent contingent upon their actions and our security. Safety is our right as citizens. Homeland Security needs to step up to a formalized reporting system, so we experience fewer massacres in schools, colleges, public malls, churches, synagogues and temples. We are the USA and not the Middle East, but that makes our internal massacres no less lethal; and no less a reason to report dangerousness or suspicious behaviors.