To: Mark Jones, President and CEO of HAC (Homeland Acquisition Company), Inc. and Dennis Maxwell, Director of Marketing of HAC (Homeland Acquisition Company), Inc.

Homeland: Stop Using Single Use Plastic Bags

By signing this petition, you are asking Homeland to eliminate single-use plastic bags in their grocery stores because of the threat they pose to our health and environment.

Why is this important?

OK Bags Away is a committee formed within the Red Earth Group, Sierra Club. Our goal is to work together to reduce, and hopefully ban, single-use plastic bags in Oklahoma as they pose numerous threats to our health and our environment, and there are plenty of alternatives. Unfortunately, Oklahoma legislature passed a bill to prohibit towns from banning single-use plastic locally. This bill does not say that we cannot voluntarily ban plastic in our state. Therefore, we have decided to commit to asking regional businesses to stop using single-use plastic bags, and we are beginning with Homeland. Many stores have already phased out single-use plastic bags, so we know this is attainable. By signing this petition, you are asking Homeland to eliminate single-use plastic bags in their grocery stores.
