To: President Donald Trump, Governor Roy Cooper, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Homeowner Association Law Changes
Please sign a Petition to stop abuse of homeowners who live in homeowner associations. We need education of newly elected board members and a property manager's licensing bill throughout our nation. Many are hit with thousands of dollars of fines for petty things like flowers a board member does not like and more seriously not being able to get a copy of the financials to see how our monthly HOA dues are being used. Many friviolous bully SLAPP lawsuits are filed against requesting homeowners. PLEASE HELP US to stop this abuse.
Why is this important?
Fifty-three percent of homeowners in North Carolina live in what is known as "homeowner association" with certain By Laws they have to abide by when they purchase a home. Each homeowner pays monthly dues usually from $100.00 to $300.00 a month for the upkeep of our properties. What is now occuring throughout the nation and in North Carolina is much abuse towards good homeowners by uneducated newly elected board members over such associations who are negligent to do their jobs and pick on any requesting homeowner. The board would not submit the financials to me. When I finally got them, I discovered the loss of thousands. I went to our District Attorney and he would not do anything. I went to our Attorney General and his office said he does not cover homeowner asassociation problems. I live on disablity. My 80 year old parents and I were hit with a slander lawsuit for my complaints as to why I could not get a copy of the non profit corporate financials. The board hid behind what they sued us for saying I "harrassed" them with emails of complaint. Many homeowners who owe only $70.00 in HOA dues are foreclosed on. The HOA board charged me $85,000.00 in this bogus lawsuit with only a one week's notice to court against my $1,033.00 a month disability. Please sign a Petition to stop this abuse and form new enforcement laws for board members with penalites and a property manager's licensing bill.