To: Governor Nikki Haley, Governor of South Carolina, Principal Jeffrey Temoney, Spring Valley High Principal, Attorney Todd Rutherford, Attorney for assault victims, Richland2BlackParents Association, Parents association of students, Schoo...

Honor The Brave Students Who Stood Up At The Assault At Spring Valley High

Humanity In America; Honor The Real Heroes at Spring Valley High. Niya Kenny, Tony Robinson Jr, Reginald Seabrooks and Aaron Johnson are the brave students who" stood up" against the brutal violence by speaking out and videoed the assault against their 16-year old classmate by Deputy Ben Fields.


Why is this important?

Several days ago I along with other Americans across this Nation viewed videos of a terrible and vicious assault against a 16- year old female student who was grabbed by her neck and pulled out of her seat and brutally slammed to the floor and then dragged across the floor by her legs and arms and on her face with less regard for than an animal or even a bag of trash.

The videos went viral and it caused us to be traumatized to the point where we cringed in pain to even believe we were watching as a child was being brutally assaulted in her own school by a policeman. The policeman, Deputy Ben Fields, showed no regards for the young girls life and has surely physically and emotionally damaged her in way that may not ever completely heal and our children are effected by this brutal assault!

There were students who were so scared for their lives as they were frozen in the seats, turning away to not have to view the horror of the assault; and for fearing they could be next if they showed any opposition to the man known for "slamming students."

But there were students that risked their own safety to "STAND UP" and speak out and who thought quickly knowing this deputy's reputation. One student was arrested and charged for speaking up, crying out and even praying for her young classmate that was being assaulted by a 300 lb muscle man as she described Fields. Her name is Niya Kenny an 18-year old fellow classmate. She was told by Fields she was coming too. So, she just put her hands behind her back and was arrested.

All this time the teacher, Robert Long did nothing to help the students.

The other brave heroes are Tony Robinson Jr. who knew from the moment Deputy Fields walked in the room something bad was going to happen and he needed to start filming and Reginald Seabrooks who also posted a video and Aaron Johnson who posted tweets as to what happened. These students with a few others did the best they could do with what they had, even scared for their lives and being caught, to stand up as American Young Citizens to help their classmate who was being assaulted by Fields. She was a young girl, a human being and Fields HAD NO RIGHT TO ASSAULT HER! Sending out S.O.S and 911 EMERGENCY CRIES FOR HELP via alerting us of the assault that was taking place by video. I CALL THEM HEROES!

Help me say, "THANK YOU" to these very BRAVE young people! We want them to know that we "STAND UP” together with them against the violence and we honor their bravery for their fellow human being. Because we know that WITHOUT THEIR VIDEOS and CRYING OUT FOR JUSTICE there would be no "real proof" and Fields would have gotten away with this vicious assault against this young girl. Something which had never been done before was catching Fields in the ACT of slamming and committing these brutal assaults on video, because it was always the kids word against a police.

President John F. Kennedy said, "A Nation reveals itself not only by the individuals it producers, but those it honors."

Honor these brave young people with me and show them that their efforts to STAND UP against the VIOLENCE they witnessed has not gone unnoticed. As PARENTS with your own children and as American Citizens, we applaud their bravery and their spirit to use their intelligence, their skills, their quick thinking and their compassion for a fellow human being so that JUSTICE could be served. I CALL THEM HEROES! It takes HUMILITY in order to see HUMANITY!

Thank you for showing your pride in them. Please take a moment to write a positive message for all the officials in South Carolina to see.

American Citizen & Parent
