To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

house bill 87 texas

Stop proposed Texas HB 87. Cosmetology/Barber License Deregulation.The consequence of passing such an absurd bill would have a devastating effect on both the industry and consumer.

Why is this important?

This bill if passed, would deregulate cosmetology/licensing. By doing so, the livelihood and careers of everyone in this industry would be adversely effected i.e. Beauty schools, Educators, Licensed Professionals, Manufacturers, Distributors, etc all across the board resulting in LOST JOBS.... Just as important, without regulation and enforcement of regulations like the one we currently have in place now we would undoubtably see a decline to our industry's standards. Who would ensure that proper sanitation practices remained in place for the public? Who would ensure persons providing these services use sanctioned chemicals, implements and sterilization methods? It is absurd, and demeaning for any individual who would think it possible to provide quality skilled services without the training equal to the hundreds of thousand of us that have dedicated our entire careers to uphold the laws and regulations set forth to protect the public as well as those providing the services. There is a degree of professionalism and safety the public expects from business and those providing these services, and without regulation we lose both. It is certain the consumers would be at great risk from receiving services from unlicensed individuals posing to be professional. The public deserves and demands better than this. Get informed!!!! Read Texas HB 87!!! Let your voice be heard!! Contact Rep Bill Callegari Chairman of the house government efficiency and reform committee. Capitol contact for Bill Callegari (512) 463-0528 Austin tx. District contact for Bill Callegari (281)578-8484 or (281) 371-2330. Houston Tx. Rep Bill Callegari aims to curb State Licensing requirements. Share your opinion with his office and tell everyone you know what Callegari is proposing. Don't let his reform committee slip this piece of harmful legislation through the cracks. Call Governor Rick Perry's Office (512) 463-1782 or (800) 843-5789. Tell Rick Perry you OPPOSE HB 87. Cosmetologist in the State of Indiana recently had to take on this same proposal of deregulation. Indiana HB 1006 was quickly stifled by a strong and overwhelming turn out of citizens speaking out and opposing the bill. Congratulations on your victory!!
