To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

House in session 126 days in 2013

"Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor released the new House calendar for the 113th Congress on Friday, and if you thought the 112th Congress was unproductive—just wait.
In 2013, the House will be in session for a grand total of 126 days."
Assuming they work 10 hour days, it represents 1260 hours per year. Based on an average salary of $174,000, this represents $138 per hour.

It's time to reconsider term limits or an incentive based system that promotes a full "productive" work schedule with "results" or go back to a per diem (daily payment) while in session.

Write or email your representative and demand that they consider equal pay for equal work.

Why is this important?

The new House calendar for the 113th Congress was released on Friday, and if you thought the 112th Congress was unproductive—just wait, the 113th Congress is scheduled to work only 126 days in 2013. We elected our representatives to work on our behalf not take vacation two thirds of the year.