To: All Internet Users
How can we stop Internet Piracy?
Please take personal responsibility for your actions when it comes to downloading copyrighted material on the internet and urge your friends to do the same. Just being able to get away with doing something is not an adequate reason for doing it. Remember you are depriving someone of their livelihood by your thoughtless action.
Why is this important?
Many people are tempted to download intellectual property from the Internet. Are they all thieves? In the strictest sense, yes, but most simply do not understand the destructive nature of their actions. New laws will not work. They are simply too difficult to enforce.. So what will? As the widow of a musician I used to derive most of my living from royalties due from books published by my husband. I have watched as my royalties declined almost to nothing. The publishers are at a loss to help They fear for their own survival. Already thousands of music book sellers have gone out of business. Who will write the books of the future if their is no incentive to write them. Please share your thoughts with me on this which is for me a catastrophic situation.