To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

However, gluten is not just in wheat but found in the grains barley and rye in addition to wheat,...

Stop the unfair labeling laws involved with Gluten Free food. Make the company's list all their ingredients and do not let them get away with infecting many celiacs with their false advertisements to make a quick buck. Do something please many mothers, fathers and children are getting sick. Were all someone's child. Would you want you child, sister, Mother, Father suffering because of poor labeling laws? The answer is no. So do something about it!

Why is this important?

This is just one step toward victory but still a long way to go. Did you know that America has one of the worst labeling laws in the world. Where they do not have to disclose all the info on their label. So many celiacs who are full blown celiac end up getting sick all the time because we do not stand up to the labeling laws. Some of it will not be fixed because that is just life but what we can do is fight these labeling laws! List all your ingredients and what you used to make the tea bags if it's tea. So anything that comes with the food is shown on their label. Do not call if Gluten free if it is not 100 percent gluten free say wheat free instead but not Gluten. The problem is the government does not care and neither do the companies that supply the food. We need to make them care. Make them properly label gluten free food.
