To: Agustin Morales, HTA President and HTA Executive Board

HTA representation for local stakeholders group

We, the undersigned Holyoke Teachers Association members, request that the Holyoke Teachers Association (HTA) hold a member vote in order to determine the teachers that will participate in the local stakeholders group as defined in the MGL Chapter 69.

Furthermore, we ask that this vote take place by May 15, 2015 at Holyoke High School between the hours of 3:00 and 7:00 pm in order to allow all HTA members to participate

Finally, we ask that the vote count take place immediately following the vote and be open to all members who wish to view the tabulation process.

Why is this important?

We must act with urgency!

As part of the receivership process, a local stakeholders group will be established. This group will make recommendations to the content of the turnaround plan in order to maximize the rapid improvement of the academic achievement of all students. This group must be convened within 30 days of the designation of chronically underperforming.

We believe that HTA members selected to represent the entire membership must be determined by a membership vote instead of being appointed by the HTA President, HTA Executive Board or any other party.
