To: Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
Human Rights Campaign: Retract Your Endorsement for Hillary Clinton!
Recently the LGBT rights organization, Human Rights Campaign, came out with an endorsement for Hillary Clinton for President. This does NOT represent the interests of the LGBT community. Hillary has only been an ally in recent years, when it has been beneficial to her career. She did not used to support marriage equality and cannot cite a reason for her change of heart, leading me and many people in the LGBT community to believe that it was nothing more than a political move.
Bernie Sanders, however, has historically supported LGBT rights, even when it was not necessarily what was going to earn him votes or advance his political career. He is the candidate that is truly on our side, the candidate that will speak for us. Because of this, we asked Human Rights Campaign to retract their endorsement of Hillary Clinton and give the support of their organization instead to Bernie Sanders, a true champion to the LGBT community.
Bernie Sanders, however, has historically supported LGBT rights, even when it was not necessarily what was going to earn him votes or advance his political career. He is the candidate that is truly on our side, the candidate that will speak for us. Because of this, we asked Human Rights Campaign to retract their endorsement of Hillary Clinton and give the support of their organization instead to Bernie Sanders, a true champion to the LGBT community.
Why is this important?
Because Hillary Clinton does not have a proven LGBT record that is good for the endorsement that she received. She voted for DOMA!