To: Rushern L. Baker, III, Prince George's County Executive, President Donald Trump, The Maryland State House, The Maryland State Senate, Governor Larry Hogan, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Human Trafficking, Kidnapping, Extortion, Diversity, Peonage and Racketeering Amongst Juveniles I...

Juvenile Bilal Rashad has been detained at Cheltenham Youth Facility in Croom, Maryland from March 27, 2013 to present for being found involved in theft of stealing several pieces of food and candy totaling $4.27 from a local Food Lion Store. This unusual incareration is due to (1) Judge Herman C. Dawson being allowed to practice prejudice in his Courtroom by allowing his negative personal feelings toward Bilal Rashad's mother's actions of filing a Writ of Habeus Corpus with the Federal Court to release her son to her and for the mother exercising her unalienable rights to not have her son's body used for human trafficking, kidnapping, extortion, diversity, peonage and racketeering. Juvenile Bilal Rashad's attorney stated for the record that he felt the Judge and the Assistant State's Attorney, Matthew S. Bohrer, were taking their personal feelings about Bilal Rashad's mother out on Bilal Rashad. Judge Herman Dawson just ordered that Bilal Rashad be placed in a group home, despite his father having a home for the child.

Why is this important?

Our children's bodies should not be used under threat, duress and coercion to join private wager policy government-run labor organizations, i.e., jails in the United States of America.