To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Humane Immigration Reform 2013

Dear Member of Congress:

Immigration is a pillar of the United States and, throughout our country’s history, immigrants have enriched our communities economically, culturally and socially. New Americans, including those without papers, add vibrancy to the country and are family-oriented, hard-working and conscientious members of my community. Outdated laws hold them and us back in economic, societal and political ways. Reform must heal the system and our divisive politics.

As one of your constituents, I ask that you work with your colleagues to reestablish a forward-thinking immigration system that honors our past; revitalizes the economy; includes a reasonable and accessible pathway to citizenship that respects human rights; is enacted and administered in a humane, nondiscriminatory manner that promotes family unity and respects human dignity; and reinforces core American values such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Immigrants are vital to my community and to others across the country. Please remember that as you work for the better good of Utah and the United States.

Thank you for your attention and for your public service.

Why is this important?

Too many dreams and human rights have pushed aside by our broken immigration system. Too many families have been torn apart by hasty deportation practices. The time to heal our communities is now.

Please, help protect immigrants' human rights and make humane immigration reform a reality this year by signing this petition today!