To: Center for Independent Living, Berkeley, CA, Involved "Consumers", President Donald Trump, The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, Governor Jay Inslee, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Se...

Humanitarianism vs. Ignoring Basic Needs of Many

In this time of economic uncertainty, the basic "Urgent Care" needs of those with "severe disability", physical and mental, are being neglected. Suffering and early death in those communities is increasing. Do you support more influential and active involvement of professionals and "consumers" involved to testify regarding the needs for those of us with "Severe Disability"?

Why is this important?

Personal Background: I have been personally and professionaly involved since childhood. I am now age 68. My daughter has a genetic terminal illness. My former wife died of the disease. My granddaughter is at 50% risk now, etc. I have worked nearly all of my life regarding the basic needs of those with severe disability, both physical and mental. I have been involved at the direct Presedential Input level, and have provided significant "hands on" testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee, Senate Finance Committee, and The U.S. Supreme Court level (through a "Slip Decision" from the Senate to the Court) regarding treatment for those with severe disability. I was also one of the initial writers of the American's with Disability Act (ADA) and I designed a natioally implimented system (through GSA) to make government buildings accessible to those with severe physical disability.
