To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Please post!

In Support of our Neighbors
Devastated by the August 2011 Flood

We the undersigned petition our legislators in support of our friends and neighbors in Rotterdam Junction, Middleburg and all of Schoharie County who have suffered devastation of homes, businesses and communities as a result of the August 2011 flooding. Their suffering continues because of the lack of action by government agencies and our representatives.

We, the undersigned, will no longer stand by while our neighbors in Up-State New York face hunger, sub-standard living conditions, and the denial of basic necessities.

Federal dollars and government support promised six months ago still have not been delivered. The $93 million allocated and needed to re-build homes, business and communities and to purchase food supplies is held up in a process of political in-fighting while church groups, private donations, and food pantries struggles to assist the thousands of families by providing bare necessities.

Petitioners know the following facts and hold our elected representative responsible for these conditions:
* $93 million has been allocated but not released for use! Who is responsible for this political stalemate?
* Breakabeen’s food bank has run out of food to distribute to victims of the flooding. How has political inaction resulted in the inability to feed our own citizens?
* Property taxes and mortgage payments are still required on devastated property that has not been rebuilt because of a lack of funding. Who in government ignores the plight of these our neighbors and will not even return calls?
* Private citizens, church groups, businesses, and regional food banks continue to share donations, food and supplies with our neighbors to the extent possible. Who in government agencies should have but did not organize the necessary relief for these citizens?

We, the undersigned petitioners, are now frustrated by the inaction from our political representatives to accomplish the following:
* Free up the $92 million designated for immediate use in Schenectady and Schoharie Counties by those devastated by the flood of 2011.
* Establish a plan to organize the delivery of resources necessary to rebuild homes, communities, and businesses so that our neighbors can return to a decent living arrangement.

We, the undersigned, hold our representatives responsible to address the concerns herein listed and to respond to the needs of their constituencies in Counties impacted by flooding in 2011.

Why is this important?

Last summer, our area (the Schoharie Basin) was hit very hard by Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee. Tom's parents lost their home & 50 years of memories. Tom and I lost our print shop, equipment and 1/2 our income. 2,500 other businesses and families have lost so much as well.

Don't let the "cute" flood commercials fool you! Some of those who had flood insurance are still struggling to get paid, 7 months later. Those that have gotten paid were only given 80% of what their house is CURRENTLY worth not what they were insured for. Those not in a flood plain weren't required to have flood insurance and weren't aware of the "water clause" in their insurance policy. Mortgage companies are battling with insurance companies while families are still homeless wandering from place to place. FEMA trailers still sit in a parking lot outside the effected area rather than on the lots of damaged homes due to ridiculous laws.

FEMA doesn't cover businesses or out buildings and the MOST a family received from FEMA was $30,000 to cover the damages to their homes and belongings. FEMA doesn't cover foundations or mechanicals in basements. They don't cover renters or their belongings. It also doesn't cover rental apartments or rental homes.

The state allocated money to help families, farms and businesses get back on their feet as well as repairing county and town buildings, rental properties, infrastructure, roads and more. However, it's caught in a bureaucratic nightmare!

We need your help! Please read the petition, sign it and pass it on by posting on your Facebook page!

Thank you!!
