To: President Obama, President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

I Deserve Quality Health Care

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Legal Cannabis for Medical Now

Why is this important?

Yes my chart at the doctor and the films in my room prove all this is truth Praying for you understanding and kindness of heart
I am 54 in November. I raised 2 great kids and paid off a mortgage. Disabled I now live on $700. a month. Florida is dropping the ball on my care. I am trying to tell about myself. Hoping it will help others. I was born with a genetic disorder called Marfan Syndrome. I have intestine issues from weak connective tissue associated with Marfan Syndrome. I am in the final break down of all my connective tissue. I only have half of my bone density left. My calcium is normal. Marfan Syndrome effect all connective tissue. It even affects organs. My aorta is enlarged and I have far outlived my life expectancy with my degree of the illness, some die before adulthood. I have advanced osteoarthritis in the 4th stage. I have had intestine pain from childhood. Try not to eat unless it is good for me. Then again I am not the average person. I taught myself to slow the Marfan Syndrome . I also have Lupus, Fibro, Epstein Barr and Auto-immune neuropathy. Crazy Huh, I was sick since birth, Many times with tonsillitis, I had rheumatic fever, German Measles, and something called Erythema nodosum. My Doctor said he never uses the word normal with me, lol I had over 70 unidentified masses and cysts in my breasts 2 surgeons wanted the removed.Over 15 procedures in 5 years. Medicaid through me out of the hospital and would not cover it. A friend gave me medical cannabis for 3 years but he has been gone for over 2 years now(5 years total, but 7 years ago total). With just Cannabis, I at 7 years in & Still free of all growths! Nature rules. The man left Florida and I can no longer get Medical Cannabis, as of a year ago. I Am praying Florida will soon be medical legal. I am still alive, no thanks to Medicaid-Medi pass. Please do not let this happen to you or those you love. Florida does not take care of SSI people only SSD. I have not even been able to get my prescribed pain medication in Florida, even with my Doctor and Medicaid calling the Pharmacy for me, 7 out of the last 8 months. Florida does not enforce The American's Disabilities Act. This is only some of many issue's I am dealing with. If they won't help, they should let us help ourselves. Florida Can , PLEASE
Science does not Lie
