To: The Wisconsin State House, The Wisconsin State Senate, and Governor Tony Evers

I Support Deregulation of Gas and Electricity in Wisconsin

I add my signature to this Petition to request that my elected officials seriously consider approving legislation that would deregulate the gas and electric utilities in Wisconsin. Deregulation would allow me the opportunity to choose my energy provider from competitors. Multiple providers force the decision makers to deliver smarter, greener choices and to offer energy at a competitive price. Those price savings are then passed on to me as I pay my bill—as much as 30% off of what I currently pay. Deregulation is good for residents and it is good for businesses. I strongly support deregulation.

Why is this important?

Wisconsin has the opportunity to join more than 20 other States who have successfully deregulated gas and electricity utilities--to the financial benefit of their residential and business customers. Actual utility bills show that Illinois residents, alone, pay nearly 25%-45% LESS than Wisconsin residents for the same services--thanks to deregulation. We have experienced this success in other area, for instance, landline and cell phone service.

Help us to collect 1,000 signatures to show that we are serious about lowering our utility bills.

Thank you.
