I have been a "D" for decades and not only am I a union member, but a former 3 term union executive. Our democratic mayor has been fighting our lawfully awarded binding arbitration award for four years crying poor! In the meantime I work across the street from million dollar condos who's owners pay no property tax. I pay close to $2k a year for a tinny row home. Why?
And when my union held its international convention here in Philadelphia our Vice President of the United States failed to mention that our democratic mayor is fighting his own union firefighters and medics? Nor did he march on city hall with us!
Meanwhile Obama's camp is trying to rally us against Romney because of his no more police, firefighter and teacher hiring comments! You can't have it both ways!
Please join my petition if you believe that public safety is a basic function of government that must be properly funded and that binding arbitration means binding arbitration! Insist that Obama and Biden demand that Mayor Nutter honor the firefighters contract award!
Why is this important?
Do you support our working class heroes? Do you believe that union members that forfeit their right to strike in exchange for binding arbitration should have those lawfully awarded results honored by their employer?