To: Gary Uter, Project Manager, BRA

I support Site III in Jackson Square

I support JPNDC on behalf of Jackson Square Partners' development of Site III in Jackson Square, which will include new construction of affordable and mixed income homes as well as a new community plaza, new green space and improvements to parking and traffic. This proposal includes JPNDC's development of what is now called Building M, which will bring 44 new apartments (100% affordable) to our community.

Because this project continues efforts by JPNDC and Jackson Square Partners to bring about the community's vision for Jackson Square, I ask that the BRA grant the necessary approval for Site III development to move forward.

Why is this important?

Jackson Square Partners, of which JPNDC is a lead partner, is seeking community support for its Article 80 filing towards the development of Site III in Jackson Square. Demonstrating support from neighbors and business owners is an important step in the BRA's Article 80 approval process.

For years, JPNDC has engaged the community to help shape Jackson Square's redevelopment. As a result of that input, the proposed Site III program provides many important community benefits, including both 100% affordable apartments at what is now called "Building M" (44 units) and mixed income housing at 250 Centre St (100 units) as well as new green space, a new community plaza and other pedestrian, parking and traffic improvements along Amory Street. (Note: JPNDC's development of 39 100% affordable apartments at 75 Amory Ave., also on Site III, is already underway.)

Given its track record of developing 600 new homes and managing 13 properties, JPNDC will be a responsible neighbor and continue to engage the community throughout and after development.

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