To: University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

End government support of this cruel experiment at University of Wisconsin

For decades, the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) has allowed experimenters to conduct cruel taxpayer-funded "sound localization" experiments on cats like Double Trouble, a gentle orange tabby. In these experiments, cats have steel coils implanted in their eyes, holes drilled into their skulls, and electrodes implanted in their brains. Sometimes, they even have their ears cut off or are intentionally deafened by having a toxic chemical applied to their inner ear. They are then deprived of food for several days in order to coerce them to look in the direction of sounds during experimental sessions in which their heads are immobilized by a bolt screwed to their skulls.

More than 200,000 people have already contacted the federal government to ask that funding for these experiments be halted.

But UW also shares responsibility for approving and allowing this horrific abuse. Please urge the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents to use their authority to halt these cruel experiments immediately.

Why is this important?

I was dismayed to learn that the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) is still tormenting cats in cruel and useless "sound localization" experiments. Cats used in these experiments have steel coils implanted in their eyes, holes drilled into their skulls, and electrodes implanted in their brains. Sometimes, they even have their ears cut off or are intentionally deafened by having a toxic chemical applied to their inner ear. They are then deprived of food for several days in order to coerce them to look in the direction of sounds during experimental sessions in which their heads are immobilized by a bolt screwed to their skulls.
