To: The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, and Governor Charlie Baker
I want to pay more taxes
I want to pay more taxes to support the many good programs, oversight, and enforcement that Massachusetts state government performs. I want to support departments and offices of all elected officials to continue their public protection and intelligent use of scarce resources.
Why is this important?
I live on a fixed income but I don't want Massachusetts government starved for tax dollars any longer. I want to give more to all the outstanding, good, and OK things this state government does and some that they no longer do-- our state is a national leader in many public services.nation leading environmental protection, models of citizen and business volunteer action which advises and compliments government staff. Let's also support the budgets of the attorney general, secretary of state, treasurer, and auditor action on issues that affect all of us, like bad banking and selfish mortgage lending, corrupt non-profits, utility overview and numerous public protections reflected daily.