To: Ted Cushing and the Oneida County Board of Supervisors

I Would Be Here, But I Am . . .

If this Board meeting were in the evening, I could attend, but right now I am . . .

Why is this important?

The Oneida County Board of Supervisors meets during morning hours, making it difficult or impossible for working families to attend. On January 17, the Concerned Citizens will present to the board, the petition requesting more convenient meeting times.

We also wish to present a banner listing names (and reasons) of citizens who could not attend the presentation on the 17th.

In addition to signing, in the Comment section, please state the reason you are unable to attend the meeting on the 17th. "Working", "Supervising kids", "Volunteering" "at the Dentist Office", or anything that daytime meeting hours causes difficulty for your active participation.

Thanks so much!