To: C.M. Cronen, ICE Field Office Director
ICE Field Officer: Release Pascual Andres-Felipe from detention
Please release Pascual Andres-Felipe, A206724633 so he can continue his studies at Habersham High School while his asylum hearing is being reviewed by the Atlanta Immigration Office.
Why is this important?
Pascual, a good student and accomplished soccer player, was picked up in a raid at his home on January 23 at 5 am, two weeks before his scheduled hearing at Immigration Court. Although he was sent to Georgia by Health and Human Services and had an Employment Authorization card, he received faulty representation and received an order of deportation back to Guatemala and the violent gangs. His new lawyer reports that his asylum hearing has been approved, but he is still being detained. Pascual's two little U.S. citizen sisters are still crying for him. Please release him now.