To: State Legislators for Eastern Idaho
Idaho Suicide Prevention Petition
Together with the Health Quality Planning Commission, we request your support preventing suicide in Idaho in 4 specific ways:
1. Establish an office of Suicide Prevention to advance these efforts in Idaho.
2. Train youth in effective ways to prevent suicide among their peer group.
3. Approve sustainable funding for the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline.
4. Launch public awareness campaigns to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
1. Establish an office of Suicide Prevention to advance these efforts in Idaho.
2. Train youth in effective ways to prevent suicide among their peer group.
3. Approve sustainable funding for the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline.
4. Launch public awareness campaigns to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
Why is this important?
Suicide is a serious problem in Idaho:
• Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for Idahoans ages 15-34.
• Idaho is consistently among the states with the highest suicide rates.
- In 2014 Idaho had the 9th highest suicide rate, 46% higher than the national average.
• In 2014, 320 people completed suicide in Idaho; a slight increase from 2013.
• 19.8% (1 in 5) of Idaho youth attending regular public and charter high schools reported seriously considering suicide in 2015.
- 9.8% (1 in 10) reported making at least one attempt.
• Between 2010 and 2014, 96 Idaho school children (age 18 and under) died by suicide.
- Twenty of these were age 14 and under.
• Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for Idahoans ages 15-34.
• Idaho is consistently among the states with the highest suicide rates.
- In 2014 Idaho had the 9th highest suicide rate, 46% higher than the national average.
• In 2014, 320 people completed suicide in Idaho; a slight increase from 2013.
• 19.8% (1 in 5) of Idaho youth attending regular public and charter high schools reported seriously considering suicide in 2015.
- 9.8% (1 in 10) reported making at least one attempt.
• Between 2010 and 2014, 96 Idaho school children (age 18 and under) died by suicide.
- Twenty of these were age 14 and under.