To: The Idaho State Senate and Governor Brad Little

Idaho Tax Break for Wealthy

Dear Governor Otter,
This recession has decimated tens of thousands of the citizens in Idaho and although economic recovery is on the way, many families are still dealing with unemployment and its effects. To help the State through these difficult times, benefits were cut to tens of thousands of low income individuals and families. These cuts have made their lives even more difficult. Now is the time to reverse these cuts and show the nation that Idaho cares about its citizens. To give this money to wealthy individuals is an incredibly non-compassionate and irresponsible act. Even though it was an election year promise, I encourage you not to approve this tax cut.

Why is this important?

The Governor of Idaho just pushed through the legislation a tax break only for Idahoans who earn $36,000 or more a year. This bill only effect the top 17% of tax earners and is blatant pandering the the wealthy in the state of Idaho. This money would be better used reversing the cuts made in Medicaid then giving to the wealthy.