To: The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, and Governor J.B. Pritzker

IL Tollways Tax Credit

We the people in the State of Illinois demand that if the state government continues to impose double taxing on its citizens- double taxing defined as tax money allocated from a variety of state taxes already allocated to the construction and oversight of construction projects and maintenance of our city, county and state highways and roads- that they at least create a tollway credit for the citizens of Illinois who use those "double taxed" highways. Tax credits are real and substantiosal to those middle class workers that the countrys labor force is seeded in. By providing a tollway tax credit, you are honoring the citizens of the state and saying that their employment in the state and their commute to and from work which happen to require tollway use are appreciated. Please sign this petition if you feel that the double taxing by illinois state legislators and our governor have gone on far too long and it is time that we get some credit for the doubletax they have created.

Why is this important?

As a taxpayer in the State of Illinois, I find it incredibly distrurbing that I am being "double taxed" on use of major highways that were suppossed to be for "temporary" fund replenishment. In a state that has seen its income tax doubled, its tollway fares doubled, the sales tax increased and is now rated one of the worst in the nation for financial stability among other worsts, it is time for the government to stop double taxing it's citizens and start being more finacnially responsible with the money they are already collecting.