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To: The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, and Governor J.B. Pritzker

Illinois Address Confidentiality Program

Protect victims of Stalking, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assault. Demand funding for IL Address Confidentiality Program

Why is this important?

I am a victim of Stalking. The man who is stalking me knew where I lived, when I moved, and knows where I currently live. I don't feel safe in my own home. Without an Address Confidentiality Program, like 31 other states have, this man stalking me will easily be able to find me if I move again.



2020-09-25 20:48:06 -0400

Thank you for signing! Unfortunately, there hasn’t been any progress with the state. Please forward this to friends, family, and colleagues. Today, anyone can find anyone with a simple Internet search. This terrifies me and anyone who is victim of stalking, domestic violence, harassment, and abuse.

2020-06-28 13:52:46 -0400

100 signatures reached