To: The United States House of Representatives

Illinois Congressional Representatives: Support Schakowsky's Progressive Solutions

Illinois Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky is proposing two bills that will go far in helping the middle class and poor get jobs. The "Emergency Jobs to Restore the American Dream Act" would create 2.2 million jobs needed in our communities. It would be paid for by Schakowsky's proposed "Fairness in Taxation Act," which creates higher tax brackets for millionaires and billionaires and eliminates subsidies for Big Oil and tax loopholes for corporations that send American jobs overseas.

We can get on the right track starting in Illinois--support the "Emergency Jobs to Restore the American Dream Act" and the "Fairness in Taxation Act."

Why is this important?

Illinois Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky is proposing two bills that will go far in helping the middle class and poor get jobs. The "Emergency Jobs to Restore the American Dream Act" would create 2.2 million jobs needed in our communities. It would be paid for by Schakowsky's proposed "Fairness in Taxation Act," which creates higher tax brackets for millionaires and billionaires and eliminates subsidies for Big Oil and tax loopholes for corporations that send American jobs overseas.

We can get on the right track starting in Illinois--support the "Emergency Jobs to Restore the American Dream Act" and the "Fairness in Taxation Act."
