To: The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, and Governor J.B. Pritzker

Illinois: Its time for Marriage Equality

Support Marriage Equality legislation in Illinois.

Why is this important?

A couple of honorable states like Maryland, Iowa, New York, Washington (and almost all of New England) have passed legislation supporting marriage equality for all Americans. It is time for the Democratic State of Illinois to follow suit. Here are some of the facts:

President Obama supports Marriage Equality.

A Gallup Poll showed a majority of Americans support Marriage Equality.

Voters across America affirmed Marriage Equality in 2012 at the polls.

The Obama Administration will not be defending DOMA

Multiple federal and district courts have ruled in favor of marriage equality.

A recent Public Policy Polling (PPP) poll showed 47% Illinois of voters polled support gay marriage to the 42% opposed.

Lets ensure all Illinoisans are afforded the same, equal, fundamental rights.
