To: Illinois Observer & Citizens

Illinois politicians come "CLEAN" with the Green!

Illinois Governor and politicians need to honor their word and pay out raises promised. Our union contract was signed by you as our employer, HONOR YOUR SIGNATURE and get back to negotiation with our Union reps. Stop the pension cuts, we pay into our future and trusted you and your investment choices. We are not the reason for the state debt. Stop the bad investments, honor your word!

Why is this important?

The Illinois Governor failed to pay out promised raises. I have downsized twice in last four years as a single mother, retired veteran, and I am a committed citizen to the betterment of all middle class. The state employees are being BULLIED by the Illinois politicians by trying to take from the employees who paid into their own pension. Our employer is making bad investments and are trying to tarnish the employees work ethic by claiming we, the workers, are the reason for the state debt. We, pay taxes, pay pension fees, pay union dues, we want the Governor to honor his signature on our contract suspended.