It is time to overhall the pension system of Public employees. The tax payers at the local, and state level cannot continue to bear the burden of these inappropriate, multi year, inflated pensions. The current system is bankrupting taxpayers, local municipalities, and the state. Let public employees all work untill they are 65. Let public employees all contribute as the private sector does, to their own retirement plans(Social Security, Medicare, and private 401Ks). Sign NOW for a chance to be heard before our cities and state go bankrupt.
Why is this important?
In the Private Sector, Pensions have gone the way of VHS Tapes. The Public Sector has not caught up with this phenemona. Additionally while the private sector employees need to wait untill they are 65 for retirement and retirement health benefits, the public sector, including teachers, do so at a much earlier age and on the Tax Payer's dime.