To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
"I'm Fine with 49" - A Call to Reduce Debt & Deficit by Raising Taxes on Earnings Above $250,000/...
We the People of the United States, in order to increase the justice and equality of our nation, and to reduce the burden that our great national debt imposes toward our populace and our posterity, hereby call for our elected leaders to RAISE TAXES on earnings of more than $250,000 per year, and to CLOSE TAX LOOP-HOLES that are essentially thefts from our treasury. In making this request, we recognize and honor the fact that the U.S. is a diverse nation with many different tax ideas and ideals; thus we propose a compromise on the top marginal tax rate of 49%. WE ARE FINE WITH 49!
Why is this important?
In an era of unprecedented national debt and deficit, many of our elected officials adamantly refuse to raise taxes and are instead calling for additional tax cuts for the wealthiest segment of society. This distorted thinking gains tacit approval each time it is repeated and reported without critical condemnation. Citizens can and should feel free to say, "nobody likes to pay taxes, but increasing taxes on those most able to afford it is practical, necessary, reasonable - and realistically, a burden one can live with." This petition will tell the President and Congress in clear terms that many Americans support increasing taxes. A maximum marginal tax rate of 49% on earnings above $250,000 will help sustain solid social programs and gradually pay-down our debt, while allowing those earning the most money to keep most of what they make.
I'm fine with 49 - are you?
I'm fine with 49 - are you?