To: The Connecticut State House, The Connecticut State Senate, Governor Ned Lamont, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Imagine a world with less political advertisements

Four years from now, how about we take all the millions of dollars spent on election campaigns, television and media advertisements, lawn signs, pollsters, and political propaganda and put that money against the U.S. national debt. Make sure the “super PACs” and other lobbyists and all those peripheral organizations that fund political campaigns in the guise of non-profits add their millions to this pot of money. Before long the deficit will be gone, the country will be in a better place economically, and we won’t have a president or senator or congressman that was “bought and paid for” put into office to represent our interests.

The other benefits are that the autumn will be prettier without campaign signs spoiling the view, our television watching and radio listening will be unmarred by constant negative advertisements, the pundits would have less to spend time droning on and on about, and maybe bipartisan cooperation in the United States legislature would be a possibility again.

Why is this important?

Imagine a world with less political advertisements