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To: Vice President Mike Pence

Immediately provide US Americans access to the World Health Organization's Covid-19 Diagnostic Test.

The US government has figured out how to get the tests, but now are in need of reagents and swabs.

The World Health Organization offers a Covid-19 test, and according to an article in Politico (03/06/2020), the United States has declined to use the WHO tests, leaving many communities without a way to get tested for coronavirus.

Why is this important?

The US government's incapacity to conduct widespread testing has slowed diagnoses, thereby creating chains of infections. Also, this has deprived epidemiologists of a map that could tell how far and how fast the virus is traveling and where the US should concentrate our efforts to slow it down.

How it will be delivered

Email the signatures.



2020-05-04 12:40:56 -0400

Petition is successful with 129 signatures

2020-03-14 10:17:35 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-03-12 14:27:46 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-03-12 13:09:20 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-03-12 12:55:48 -0400

10 signatures reached