To: The United States House of Representatives

Immigration Reform

Our immigration system is broken and does not serve immigrant families or the interests of our country. As President Obama and Congress take up immigration reform, we urge the US House of Representatives to vote yes on immigration reform.

Why is this important?

Immigration reform is personal to me. Grace, my good friend, was one of the 11 million people working in our shadow economy. She lived and worked in the United States for 15 years without the protection of basic civil rights or labor protections, without access to many services, and in constant fear of persecution. Her story has a happy ending; Grace now has a “Green Card” through the sponsorship of a qualifying family member. We need to help millions of others who deserve a happy ending to immigration vulnerability.
Immigration reform is, and should be, a priority to correct decades of wrongs. Let’s work to support a road map to citizenship with a reasonable time frame, economic protections and a fair system to deal with the future flow of immigrants coming to pursue their own chance at the American dream.
This legislation has passed the US Senate and should soon come up for a vote in the US House. Please sign this petition urging our legislators to do the right thing. Pass immigration reform legislation.