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To: Sen. Doug Jones (AL-2)

Immigration Reform: A Moral Responsibility

I was shocked by your recent statement that we have no "moral or legal responsibility to reward somebody who entered the country [without documentation]." I believe we have an obligation to care about every human being, regardless of their documentation status.

I urge you to work for immigration reform that reflects the values of our nation, including a roadmap to citizenship for aspiring Americans. I also hope your future statements won't ignore our clear moral responsibilities to all our neighbors.

Why is this important?

Sojourners, a national organization committed to faith in action for social justice, was shocked when Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions recently said there is no “moral or legal responsibility to reward somebody who entered the country [without documentation].” We know we must care for every human being, regardless of their documentation status.

Immigration reform is not about politics. It is about the well-being of our communities, and we have a moral responsibility to fix the broken immigration system that is hurting our brothers and sisters. Both Republicans and Democrats agree that a solution should include a roadmap to citizenship for the 11 million aspiring Americans who are contributing to our society.

Senator Sessions’ statement cannot go unchallenged. Tell the senator that you believe we have a moral responsibility to care about ALL our sisters and brothers.




2022-06-22 15:43:55 -0400

50 signatures reached