To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Immigration Reform NOW!

Enact Immigration Reform NOW! New immigration laws should include provisions listed in the Interfaith Platform on Humane Immigration Reform, signed by over 300 organizations: 1. uphold family unity, 2. create a process for undocumented migrants to earn legal status, 3. provide efficient channels of entry for new migrant workers, 4. facilitate immigrant integration, 5. reform detention policies, 6. align the enforcement of immigration laws with humanitarian values.

Why is this important?

The US needs to reform its immigration laws because current laws are insufficient to address realities on the ground, which leads to millions of people being treated inhumanely. Enforcement of current laws is lacking in some areas [employers who hire unskilled labor without being penalized, making huge profits], and is over the top in other areas [undocumented workers who are treated like animals whether in labor camps or in prisons]. This reality on the ground is unworthy of the land of the free, and we need to change it.