To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate


President Barack Obama should be impeached and forced out of office for the following reasons:

Reasons for the Impeachment of Barack H. Obama:

Violation of the Constitution & War Powers Resolution (LIBYA)

Unconstitutional Healthcare Plan/Mandate (Obamacare)

Violation of Separation of Powers via unilateral Executive decisions

Excessive appointments of "czars" and recess appointments, circumventing Congressional oversight and Senate confirmation

Expanded domestic surveillance and wiretapping

Expanded the use of targeted assassinations, including claiming the right to kill American citizens abroad without any due process

Complicit with forgery and posting of fraudulent document (birth certificate)

Authorized and/or complicit with Project Gunrunner/Fast and Furious

Why is this important?

Regarding President Obama's failure to live up to his oath of office and misuse of executive powers.