To: The United States House of Representatives

Impeach President Obama? Oh No You Won't!

The American people are TIRED of the inaction of our elected officials, and disheartened by the obvious attempts to derail any of the progress that President Obama has tried to make for this country. Threatening to sue, or impeach him over The Affordable Care Act, a piece of legislation that is helping so many Americans, and which has been adjudicated and upheld by the Supreme Court is the last straw!

We not only cannot AFFORD a baseless, purposeless, protracted legal battle at the highest levels of government, WE WON'T STAND FOR IT! Stop threatening to impeach our President and try balancing the budget, or even PASSING a budget; try figuring out a way to get jobs coming back to America, and our citizens back to work. Or how about funding a jobs program that will spur economic growth, and at the same time fix our crumbling, dilapidated infrastructure?

We the American people FORBID you to waste the few scant legislative cycles that our current Congress bothers to show up for with a pointless, meaningless attack on a sitting President, when there is so much more that needs to be done to help this country. This is NOT your country, this is OUR country, and we will not allow you to continue to do NOTHING, while at the same time WASTING our TAX DOLLARS and time on political nonsense!

Impeach President Obama? Oh No You Won't!

Why is this important?

I am able for the first time to own my own business thanks to The Affordable Care Act. The Republicans in Congress have done nothing over the last 6 years but find ways to stall progress in the name of "stopping" President Obama. Threatening to sue him, or looking for a way to invalidate the law is a waste of time, could deny millions of healthcare, and is not what Americans want!