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To: The United States House of Representatives

Impeach Supreme Court Justice Thomas

Justice Clarence Thomas has violated his oath of office and engaged in illegal and unethical behavior while a sitting Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court and should be impeached and a complaint seeking criminal prosecution should be sought with the US Attorney for The District of Columbia

Why is this important?

Justice Thomas would be removed from any lower court bench because of the conflict of interest created when he ruled on the Affordable Care Act while his wife received hundreds of thousands of dollars from a group which mounted an active campaign against the health care act.
Justice Thomas has violated his oath of office, the cannons of ethics of the Bar Association of Washington DC in that he did not disclose that his wife was working for a conservative think tank and a conservative 501c(4) group which opposed the ACA.
In addition, he filed incomplete and false Financial Disclosure Forms to keep litigants who had cases pending before the Supreme Court from having information that could be used to disqualify him from hearing those cases. He did so knowing that his family would benefit financially from his decisions. His spouse has received a reported $1.4 million from clients who also had matters pending before the US Supreme Court.



2022-06-25 21:11:37 -0400

100 signatures reached

2022-06-16 14:25:11 -0400

50 signatures reached