To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Impeach Supreme Court Justices Roberts, Scalia, Alito, Kennedy & Thomas

We, the undersigned, after grieving as we have over the continuing struggle to ensure and maintain our right to vote, do hereby decide not to bury that entity, but to restore the life, dignity and respect of the institution our forefathers held... and we now hold dear. In order to accomplish this, we do hereby call for the impeachment of the five Supreme Court Justices: Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Alito, Thomas, and Kennedy because of the disgrace they have brought to said institution for the following reasons:

I . Violation of their duty as civil servants who work for the people of the United States to make judgments of law according to the United States Constitution, and not as Partisan operatives to ensure the formation of an oligarchy. They were appointed by one party to their "selected" life terms, and deem themselves to have the power to dictate to the American people that we cannot be trusted with the right to vote. They have violated all that is right and just in the democracy of this nation... the right of ALL citizens, regardless of gender, color or ethnic origin, to vote and have that vote be counted. With these actions, they have placed the people's right to elect their senators, representatives, and ever the President of the United States, forever in jeopardy. They did this knowing that their party would be able to name future justices of their ideological persuasion, thus ensuring the future outcomes of federally contested elections, not to mention legal rulings on a daily basis.

II. Numerous violations of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution by declaring that the amount of money a person has determines how free their speech is.

III. Numerous violations of the Separation of Powers by intervening in made up "voter fraud" issues which ended in this body's gutting the Voting Rights Act of 1965 with its abuse of power.

V. They have placed corporate interests above the will of the People over and above the fundamental right to vote and have those votes be counted, thereby...

VI. These five justices have undermined the validity and sanctity of this previously esteemed institution and tainted it forever, by laying the foundation, and setting an unconstitutional precedent whereby they ensure that for eternity every election in the United States will forever be thrown into the federal court's jurisdiction and subject to challenges in this court. They undermined the sovereignty of the most fundamental basic right in a democracy, "One Person, One Vote." Each of these justices voted at the polls, and voted in the court, thereby incurring two votes each. They delayed the state of Florida's legal pursuit of "determining the intent of the voter" and ignored the fact that this same statute exists in at least 30 or more other states in these United States. By issuing a "stay" before they even heard arguments they deliberately delayed the state of Florida's right to a manual count under its sovereignty and intentionally delayed their issuance of a ruling until it was too late for this state to count its votes. In that very ruling they failed to resolve the obvious issue of remedy for this election that had been before its body for weeks, thereby disenfranchising every American's vote, regardless of party, be it Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, etc.

VII. They used the Equal Protection clause in a way in which it has never been used before; it has been used traditionally and legally to shield minorities from unlawful discrimination. They, in fact, turned this amendment upside down, thus using it to discriminate against minorities and majorities (their opposing party won the popular vote), and to therefore cause their votes to be discounted.

VIII. With their abuse of power, they removed from the electoral college and Congress their Constitutionally respective roles in breaking a "tie" in a presidential election, if this was in fact a tie (we the voters may never know), therefore interfering in the Constitutional process which should have been allowed to proceed.

IX. Conclusively, we the undersigned, and all people of the United States,regardless of party affiliation and as patriots with Common Sense, do hereby declare that this court denied us equal protection under the law by suborning and supporting an oligarchy where he who has the gold makes the rules. These five justices have cast a cloud of suspicion over the body of the Supreme Court with the following results:

A. They have sold out our system of governance to the highest bidder, first by declaring that corporations are people by passing "Citizens United," then by ruling in favor of oligarchs with the McCutcheon decision, and

B. Have sold democracy to the highest bidder with their recent rulings to remove all monetary limits on corporate contributions.

X. They have continually failed to remain unbiased and nonpartisan by dictating to the governed that they have "chosen," time and again, to side with ...

Why is this important?

Because I am tired of reading, time and again, about these five "justices" voting in favor of corporate and religious interests over the will of the People.
