To: The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, and Governor Brian Kemp
Impeachment Of Judge J. Alexander Atwood
Violation of Oath of Office O.C.G.A. 16-10-1 ~
any public officer who willfully and intentionally violates the terms of his oath as prescribed by law shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years.
any public officer who willfully and intentionally violates the terms of his oath as prescribed by law shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years.
Why is this important?
Impeachment of Glynn County Magistrate Judge J Alexandra Atwood for violation of his Oath of Office, for illegally setting bail in a "Voluntary Manslaughter" {Murder} case.
Ex-Kingsland GA Police Office Zechariah M. Presley was granted bail in the amount $100,000 even though he shot and killed Tony Green, Jr in cold blood, two shots from the back ~ a total of 9 bullets?
He was Granted bail on Monday, July 23, 2018.
In accordance with Georgia Law Magistrate Judges cannot set bail in cases of serious violent felonies {Voluntary Manslaughter} is listed in the SB 441 Mandatory Minimums, Georgia's Seven Deadly Sins, therefore magistrate Judges have "NO" jurisdiction nor authority to set bail in a Voluntary Manslaughter charge, this crime is only bailable before a Judge of Superior Court.
Ex-Kingsland GA Police Office Zechariah M. Presley was granted bail in the amount $100,000 even though he shot and killed Tony Green, Jr in cold blood, two shots from the back ~ a total of 9 bullets?
He was Granted bail on Monday, July 23, 2018.
In accordance with Georgia Law Magistrate Judges cannot set bail in cases of serious violent felonies {Voluntary Manslaughter} is listed in the SB 441 Mandatory Minimums, Georgia's Seven Deadly Sins, therefore magistrate Judges have "NO" jurisdiction nor authority to set bail in a Voluntary Manslaughter charge, this crime is only bailable before a Judge of Superior Court.