To: The Ohio State House, The Ohio State Senate, and Governor Mike DeWine

Implement Meidicare expansion in Ohio

Share a commitment to securing healthcare as a human right under an improved and expanded Medicare-for-all model. Protecting the current expansion of Medicaid is a small but necessary and life-saving step in that direction. Tell Gov. Kasich and the Ohio Legislature to implement the expanded Medicare-for-all.

Why is this important?

Figures from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2010 Census show that Ohio 1.3 million uninsured, or 14.3 percent. Some examples of the poorer, rural counties: Athens County: 8,870 uninsured, or 17.9 percent uninsured; Hocking County: 3,790 uninsured, or 15.4 percent uninsured; and Meigs County: 3,384 uninsured, or 16.9 percent uninsured.
The Urban Institute, a think tank that carries out economic and social-policy research, estimates that 57 percent of Ohio's uninsured non-elderly adults will remain uninsured if Ohio does not implement the ACA's Medicaid expansion.