To: Alabama Hospital Association, AlHA Membership Chair and Governor Kay Ivey

Implement the Affordable Care Act

As a citizen volunteer at a non-profit health provider in Alabama for working people who can not afford preventive care I see how harmful and expensive the current health care system in Alabama is. The Affordable Health Care act provides federal dollars as "start up" funds to establish preventative health care clinics in Alabama. Denying our state's citizens access to prevention is inhumane and will cost millions in intensive care unit stays and emergency rooms visits. A decision to accept federal dollars for medicaid is a decision for a healthier Alabama. Why would you deny our citizens this?

Why is this important?

Gov Bentley, why won't you take federal dollars to implement the Affordable Health Care Act in Alabama? As a retired Air Force nurse I know what a community receiving preventative health care looks like because in the military everyone has government subsidized health care.