To: Name, Title or Position (optional) and warden Kevin R. Chappell, warden of San Quentin State Prison

Implement the demands agreed by Warden Kevin Chappell

Have Warden Chappell make the changes he had agreed to.

Why is this important?

This petition is in response to the California State Prison San Quentin Condemned Adjustment Center Collective's good faith Request, by Warden Chappell to end their peaceful hunger strike. This good faith showing to end their hunger strike was soley made upon Warden Chappells promise to implement by the end of the year. (A) Behavior based program. (B)Cease Indeterminate Status in the AC. (C) Implement more privileges for ALL AC inmates. (D) Proper Due Process during the validation process, ie: sent to Sacramento not I.c.c.

(E) Integrated Yard. (F)Grade B no longer be of a double standard (G) AC Condemned will be given an equal oppurtunity to gain their Grade A after 4 years of good behavior retroactive. (H) Honoring all the privileges and rights all C.D.C.R inmates are equally entitled.
